[Bards] Bardic Collegium

Kathy bardkat at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 2 05:06:55 PST 2005

The Second Annual Ansteorran Bardic Collegium will be held on December 3 at
Tourney by the Loch, in Southeast Houston.  Crash space is available, or
I'll be happy to provide you with a list of local hotels.

For more details (soon to include class times and schedules) please visit:

A list of the confirmed classes includes:

Chinese Poetry (Lady Maggie MacPhaerson)
Beginning Storytelling (HL Esther of Ennis Merth)
Poetics I: Rhyme and Meter (HL Antigonus Bearbait)
Documentation (Master Ihon Vinson MacFergus)
Poetics II: Form (HL Antigonus Bearbait)
An Introduction to the Bodhran (HL Gerald of Leesville)
Sonnet Competition (HL Alden Drake)
History of the Carol (Lady Maggie MacPhaerson)
Odyssius and Oedipus: Greek and Epic Drama for Bards (HL Antigonus Bearbait)
Beginning Middle Eastern Drum Rhythms (Lord Cormac O'Bron and his Goodwife
German Carols (HL Mea Guilianna Passavanti)
Intermediate Middle Eastern Drum Rhythms (Lord Cormac O'Bron and his
Goodwife Patricia)
Sea Chanties (HL Alden Drake & HL Gerald of Leesville)
Bayeaux Tapestry for Bards (HL Esther of Ennis Merth)
Basic Diction for Romance Languages (HL Mea Guilianna Passavanti)
An Introduction to the Bones (HL Rodger of York)
Bawdy Songs (HL Alden Drake)
Elizabethan Poets (Dona Antonia Santiago da Lagos)

Pending classes include:
Medieval Modes
Viking Mythology

And . the opportunity you've been waiting for . I still have two class times
open!  Have you always wanted to teach?  Do you have a fabulous idea for a
class that you'd like to see?  Now's your chance!  (I've had a special
request from a member of our local populous for a class on "Playing the
Fool" and/or Juggling.  It's a great idea for a class, but I haven't had any
success so far finding a teacher . )

Also, over the lunch hour, be sure to stay for a roundtable discussion of
performance techniques, facilitated by several of the instructors.  And of
course, a bardic circle will be held after feast, until they kick us out of
the hall!  (And then it may just continue at my house!)

I look forward to seeing and hearing you all!

HL Katrina of Coventry
Premier Bard of Ansteorra
bardkat at sbcglobal.net

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