[Bards] topic for discussion

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 14 08:55:59 PST 2006

I think, really, it depends not only on how you approach them, but on how the nobles / groups who host the competitions look at them. This may not be a one size fits all issue.

Charles O Floinn <thorn at raf662bravo.com> wrote:
  Thank you all for your thoughts on my comment.
Since the prevailing thought seems to be that being the titled bard allows
one to spread a host groups fame instead of focusing that bards' talents in
one geographic area for a period of time, I shall reconsider my position. I
had thought these contests to be more along the lines of an interactive
"job" interview, my apologies for this misunderstanding.

Charles O Floinn

-----Original Message-----
From: bards-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bards-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Donnchadh Beag mac
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:44 PM
To: Ansteorran Bardic list
Subject: Re: [Bards] topic for discussion

Lou Burgin wrote:
>> But, since I live in Rosenfeld, how could I possibly represent
>> or Bordermarch for instance by becoming their titled bard? Would I have
>> to
>> travel to every event the Baron and Baroness attend so I can perform my
>> duties properly? I cannot afford that.
> Please forgive , dear my Lord, but I must disagree. I feek the bearer of a
> Title Championship in Bardic, means that whereever you go, you represent
> Barony. When you perform you give wordfame to that group, maybe perform
> pieces about them. In this way you carry the honor of the group with you
> spread it's fame far and wide. If you are from a distant place, that means
> our name is carried even farther. Ofcourse if you happen to be at an event
> where the Nobles are present, be there for them, but if not be their voice
> where ever you go. AmberLea
I could not agree more. In fact I was just getting ready to say the
same thing when I saw your post. As a landed noble, I would love to
have word fame of my beloved Namron spread far across the Kingdom, and I
would welcome any bard no matter how far away to vie for the title.

On the topic of competing more than once: As someone who has yet to win
a titled competition, I would encourage those who have won in the past
to keep competing. When I do win a title, I don't want it to be because
all the really good bards weren't competing that day. Some day, with a
lot of practice, I want to be able to compete next to Robin and Finnacan
and Ulf and all the others and win. THEN I will know I have
accomplished something. Yes it be a LOT harder, but it will also mean
that much more. As for getting discouraged, that won't happen because
of those good souls who have given me encouragement along the way and
challenged me to keep growing. You know who you are and I can't thank
you enough for it.

For Love of the Dream,
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair
Baron of Namron
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