[Bards] Message from our Kingdom Bard

Beth Wolff wolffsrun at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 3 16:02:59 PDT 2006

My thanks, Master Ihon,
  And yes, I'm working on a collegium.  I would however love to have your insight, opinions, and assisstance in any way I could in this matter. I do believe that this is very good tradition, one that I wish to maintain and I believe that both the Deputy and the Kingdom Bard should be very involved in the arranging, running, etc of this bardic endeavor. So let me know your thoughts on this years collegium either on this list or privately as you deem appropriate.
  In humble service,

John Hirling <jhirling at gmail.com> wrote:
  Pass on my best wishes for a quick and full recovery as well as my appreciation that Her Ladyship Elanor is already working toward a Collegium.  (Of course, if you are actually reading this, Elanor, Esther doesn't need to pass it on . . .:) )

  On 5/2/06, Esther <reese_esther at yahoo.com> wrote:      HL Elanor wanted to let you know, that she's been very ill with bronchitis for over a week. She is feeling better now, and is will be contributing to the current discussions -- and in fact is looking forward to it.
  She is, in fact, taking the organization of the Collegium as part of her duties (I volunteered to help), and thinks working with the MoAS bardic deputy a terrific idea. She is planning on approaching Rosenfeld about hosting the Collegium at Three Kings, but has been prevented by her illness from doing it.
  That's about it. :-) Stay tuned for the woman herself.


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