[Bards] Just a few words (really good words

Michael Silverhands silverhands at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 7 08:41:13 PST 2006

On Nov 7, 2006, at 10:25 AM, Scott Barrett wrote:

> ... I'm liking the idea of numerous meetings,
> wherein polls could be taken to determine if a college is wanted,  
> if it
> should have kingdom deputies for officers, if the premier bard should
> be an officer, if the college should have it's own officers and what
> boundaries and rules those groups want spelled out. Presenting that at
> a central meeting like Twelfth night sounds doable. I can conduct
> polling at Weisenfeuer's Yule Revel.
> And I'm gonna offer suggestions and comments here as usual, while
> encouraging further use of this list among my fellows.
> ~Finnacan

Thanks, Finnacan. I, too, like the idea of using all available venues  
to discuss this. And I like the idea that questions and answers  
voiced here are archived for later perusal by us, or anyone who  
wasn't here at the time. And I'd like to see the minutes of any  
"live" meetings posted here and on the bard.ansteorra.org, for the  
same reasons.

But personally, I think we've still got the cart before the horse.  
We're talking about the mechanics of how a college should be  
structured, when we don't yet have a clear definition of what a  
college should do.

Earlier today, I wrote:

> We've asked several times (in effect) "What do you mean by 'a
> college'? What will it do for us, exactly, that we aren't doing or
> couldn't do for ourselves?"

I'd still like to see a reply to that question from Robin before  
taking another step towards discussion of a college's structure.  
Let's please define "function" before we spend any more time talking  
about "form". Otherwise we're just spinning our wheels.

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