[Bards] this weekend

sorrowsong@cox.net sorrowsong at cox.net
Mon Nov 20 11:25:09 PST 2006

HL Sibeal inghean ui Ruairc, aka Bella O'Rourke at your service. 

It was a wonderful competition with many incredible performances, and I am honored to have been chosen to carry the title. I sincerely hope I can do it justice. This was my first trip to Bordermarch and I can't wait to go back again. The people were friendly, the site was gorgeous, it was just a great weekend. 

I should probably add that although I was once a member of Wolfstar, I have not been in some time. No slight to my former family, I still love them.

In service

---- Alden Drake <alden_drake at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> Due to a conflicting schedule, I wasn't able to stay for all of the bardic, but I was very impressed by the turnout.  I heard somewhere between 14-17 competitors entered, so I would give the judges a hearty vivat for sifting through that many fine bards to determine a winner.  Laird Malcolm called me sometime after 10pm to tell me who won, and I apologize for not catching all of the lady's name, but I do remember him saying Bella (somebody), who is a member of House Wolfstar.  

The location for the competition was very nice as well.  I was told by some folks in pavilions at the end of the list field that they could hear me singing, and Gerald pointed out to me that he could hear my voice echo from off the distant trees.  I don't think of myself as a particularly loud bard, so to get that kind of sound outdoors is awesome. :)

Well done to all who participated!

HL Alden Drake

----- Original Message ----
From: gail young <gwynethb63 at yahoo.com>
To: Ansteorran Bardic list <bards at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 6:39:49 AM
Subject: [Bards] this weekend

Would you post how the bardic went at Bordermarch?  Every time I passed the most beautiful songs were being performed in the theater.  Bordermarch did a wonderful job providing a magnificent place for the bards to gather, a stage for the competitors and seats for the audience.  
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