[Bards] Some Answers

Robert Fitzmorgan fitzmorgan at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 15:24:41 PST 2006

On 11/9/06, willowjonbardc at juno.com <willowjonbardc at juno.com> wrote:
> I really like what you had to say. The only problem I have is with the
> Kingdom bard not being an College position. It has been the only
> college position that we have maintained and I am not ready to give it
> up to the Laurels and make it another A&S standard thing. Right now we
> control how it is run if we break it from the College it stop being a
> position for Performer and become a matter of scholarship with
> documentation the major focus. The premier bard is our role model and
> reflects what we think is important. We need to keep control of it. I
> don't see any problem with putting the position back to its honorary
> head that it was before the Crowns started messing with everything.
> the duties inherent in the job are hard enough without having them do
> all the jobs a healthy college would be doing.
> willow

    I don't agree with you on this.  The College hasn't existed in any but a
theoretical sense in years.  Yet we still have a Kingdom Bard.  The College
in no way controls  the Kingdom Bard or the competition for choosing the
Kingdom Bard.
    The College if we form one has no business telling the Kingdom how to
choose it's bard nor telling the Kingdom Bard how to fill their position.
We have neither the authority or the right to assign dities to the Kingdom
    If the Crown were to designate the College of Bards as the official
orginization for setting policy for Esiteddfod that would be a different
matter.  As things currently stand the Kingdom Bard belongs to the Kingdom,
not the College of Bards.


"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much
of a day."     John A. Wheeler

Fitzmorgan at gmail.com
Yahoo IM: robert_fitzmorgan
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