[Bards] Topic: Is the usage of performers in your area, and events in general, sufficient?

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 14:44:37 PDT 2006

At the risk of being controversial, it seems that in the Central Region (where I live), there are not very many of the small events where beginning bards can learn how to perform. It's really hard to find the guts to go up  your first or second time in a Large and Impressive venue -- and it is equally hard for the large events to make time for the bardics, when everything they want to do for that year is compressed into one or at the most two weekend events.
  How do we generate more smaller events?

"willowjonbardc at juno.com" <willowjonbardc at juno.com> wrote:
  I can tell you that performers in central area are not called on much 
at all and this has produced a spiral problem. We have many 
competition performers. It is easier to perform at a competition 
because the audience will listen to you no matter. Judges listen. But 
to learn how to perform for nobility and the populace you have to have 
to have nobility and populace to perform to. Many of our nobles and 
peers have stated they will not listen to any performer who is not 
professional. They do not plan to be "dinner hostage theater". Now 
they will take the time to look at some artist's static piece even if 
it is bad, but they won't take the time to encourage performing 
artists. This has caused many of our performers to hesitate before 
performing. Right now I have made an ass of myself and our local 
Baron/ess have agreed to sponsor performing. The problem is finding 
performers who are willing to risk it.I do believe that we are working 
our way out of the problem.

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