[Bards] no suger coating on this

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 12:07:41 PST 2006

  Alden, my dear, have you ever considered that you have developed a following because you are GOOD?
  Your friends follow you around, because when they do, they have FUN. :-)
  But it is hard to find a place for a bardic circle, especially when everything a group must do in one year must be crammed into one event -- or even two, in a Barony's case.
  Just one woman's opinion.

Alden Drake <alden_drake at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
   I'd say that at a bardic competition, more than 50% of the audience is bards, and 50% of those bards are in the competition. My wife is rarely at an event where I'm competing in bardic, but when she is, she comes to watch. And I've noticed that I'm developing a small following of friends who come out to watch, when they know I'm competing - which is very encouraging and inspiring. :) 

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