[Bards] The Goal

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 21:25:52 PST 2006

Master Robin,
  I beg your pardon?

Jay Rudin <rudin at ev1.net> wrote:
          Esther replied to me:
  RoG> > What's the goal? We need a goal before a proposal to achieve it.
> I always thought it was to have fun....

  OK, why do you think it would be fun to tell people who aren't local bards right now that they can't compete in Eisteddfod?
> But, one Man's fun is another Man's hell, at times.
> I shy away from the idea of THE GOAL. 
  I'm not picky -- we can talk about the goals.  What are the goals for your proposal to change the local bardic championships from a focus on that branch to a stepping stone to Premier Bard?  What good thing is this supposed to do for Premier Bard, for the local championships, or for the bards?
  > It's like THE DREAM, a pernicious
  > phrase coined by a Bard in completely opposite of the meaning it has now
  > taken on, like some mangled, misunderstood Shakespearean quote. Too
  > many people invoke "THE DREAM" as their justification for lopping off legs
  > and stretching arms and necks out of joint in an ugly Procrustrean bed
  > (Spelling wrong, I'm sure.)

  Wasn't it you asking how to convince nobles that a certain idea was " The Way to Play"?
  [The spelling was almost perfect, by the way.  Procrustean, from the myth of Procrustes.]
> For the Kingdom Bardic championship, I would think THE GOAL would be to compete, and to try and win.

  OK, then don't suggest rules for how to tell some people they can't compete.  That works against your goals.
> For a Kingdom College, I am more wary. I'm not sure it could be made into a bed where all could sleep easy.
  I didn't ask about that.  OF COURSE the college will have many goals.  My question was asked in specific reference to your proposal for a set of entrance requirements for Eisteddfod.  What is the goal of your proposal?  What would be better if your proposal were adopted?


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