[Bards] Kingdom Bardic format

Beth Wolff wolffsrun at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 14 15:09:23 PDT 2006

replied to privately.

cathy.polakoff at comcast.net wrote:    Hi Beth, long time no hear! I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, but the last few months have not been good to me, and I'm just starting to pull my head above water again. I've been thinking a lot about you, but haven't had time to call, so when I saw you're email, I thought I'd write instead.
  I hope you are well, and that Matthew, Morgan, Rhiannon and the baby are also doing well. I'm not sure if I might have done something to offend, so if I did, please accept my apologies. Either way, I hope to hear from you soon. 
  Take care,
  Cathy/Anna bat Chaim
  -------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Beth Wolff <wolffsrun at sbcglobal.net> 
  Greetings good gentles,
  In as much as I am aware of the swift passage of time, and that Steppes Twelfth Night moves nearer, here is the format for the Kingdom Bardic Competition. I know that many of you start early in preparation for this event and I would like to aid you in your quest to be ready.
  The format will be as follows:
  First round will be bard's choice. If your piece is documentable, it will be encourged but not required. Verbal documentation that is complete and concise will also be accepted.
  Second round will be the judges choice. I will have a bowl or hat that the judges will draw from for that performance. It may be a request for a certain form, such as story or song, or it may be a requst for a prticular theme, such as chivalry, love, or battle.
  The judges will then choose approximatly 3-5 finalists, depending on the number of competitors.
  The final round will be an Ansteorran piece.
  My motivation for this format stems from the proclivity of the Crown, or the Nobility to call on the Kingdom Bard at a moment's notice when the need arises......and you had better be ready and able to perform when summoned. Also, The final round choice stems from my feelings that if you are vying for the title of Kingdom Bard you had better be able to perform pieces about your Kingdom! You are the keeper of Her history for the tenure of your title, you should know about Her and Her people.
  Anyone with any questions may feel free to contact me by e-mail or on my cell. I will be glad to answer them as best I may.
  wolffsrun at sbcglobal.net
  cell # 817-874-1383
  As always I remain humbly in your service,
  HL Elanor O'Ruark
  Premier Bard of Ansteorra

  Make a joyful noise unto your Kingdom! 
From: Beth Wolff <wolffsrun at sbcglobal.net>
To: Bards list <bards at ansteorra.org>
Subject: [Bards] Kingdom Bardic format
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:01:45 +0000

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Make a joyful noise unto your Kingdom! 
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