[Bards] Calling out for Teachers

Alden Drake alden_drake at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 17 07:02:16 PDT 2007

Greetings all,
I have the pleasure of coordinating bardic classes for Westgate's Collegium (Aug 4), themed "Bards and Garb", and am now putting the call out for teachers and classes!  If there is a class you would like to teach, or classes you would like to see offered, please let me know!  I will be contacting individuals as well, but I don't know every bard in the kingdom yet, so if you don't hear from me directly, please don't feel slighted, and don't hesitate to volunteer!  

In addition to classes, Master Ihon Vinson MacFergus, Deputy A&S Minister for Bardic and Performance, has agreed to host a Bardic Round Table.  If there are topics you would like to have discussed among your fellow bards, let him know and he can put them on the agenda.  

Also, if time and space permits, I hope to have a bardic circle scheduled for after feast.  The hall is great for performing.

In service,
HL Alden Drake
Champion of Westgate
Titled Bard of Stargate

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