[Bards] Filking <of course it's a long reply!>

Beth celtic_wolff at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 14:38:59 PDT 2008

  Thanks for speaking up, most worthy Whelp!  Makes this old Wolf proud!
   I agree, Christianna, with several points made so far. As both Gerald and Master Robin have so eloquently said, each person has their own idea of what is Ok and what is not, but just because They don't like your style of filk doesn't make it "wrong" or "bad". Many of us will applaud you for having the courage (or audacity) to get out in a circle and perform at all. That takes balls no matter who you are. <Grin>
  Everyone starts somewhere and moves on from that point, so pick a strting point and jump on in. Your bardic vision will not cloud or obscure anyone elses any more than theirs will impede you. There are times when a modern tune filk is not necessarily appropriate, and there are times when pretty much anything goes. When in doubt, ask a more experienced bard for guidance.
  The most important thing in my mind is that you love what you do, you try to impart that love to your audience, and most of all...have fun with it! I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you face to face some time and sharing a song or two with you at a bardic circle.
  Never too old for fun,

"Little girls, this seems to say, Never stop upon your way. 
Never trust a stranger-friend; No one knows how it will end. 
As you're pretty, so be wise; Wolves may lurk in every guise. 
Handsome they may be, and kind, Gay, or charming never mind! 
Now, as then, 'tis simple truth... 
Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth!"
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