[Bards] Sir Ken...

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 08:14:47 PDT 2008

Ya know, that may be one of the issues Ansteorra faces.... We are really spread out, but so was An Tir, where I grew up. Heck, it's two countries!!!!

I'd love to come to one of your open house bardics, for example, but for me to do it means taking a vacation day from work, and probably a greyhound bus ride (unless renting a car is cheaper!), as you hold them on Friday nights, correct?

As soon as there's a firm date for the house concert, I am going to try and get a carpool together for it, and I'm hoping it's on a Saturday.


Ken Theriot <kentheriot at ravenboymusic.com> wrote:        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}     st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }           Wylfred,
  Flattery will get you everywhereJ.  But may I say that having lived in 6 different kingdoms, Ansteorra is where we have settled, and where we have found perhaps the largest bardic community of them all!  (No, we did not live in EaldormereJ).  I just wish we weren’t so darned spread out!!
  From: Baron Wylfred of Morganvayle [mailto:bonz6x at yahoo.com] 
 Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:12 PM
 To: Ansteorran  Bardic list
 Subject: Re: [Bards] Sir Ken...
    OH MY! I just quickly checked the Raven Boy site and listened to a few samples...
    All I can say is these Bards have more talent in their little fingers than I have in my entire body...
    MOST EXCELLENT... said in a very loud, heraldish voice... hahah!
    Baron (better start practicing) Wylfred
 Ken Theriot <kentheriot at ravenboymusic.com> wrote:
      Hi Emma,
    Yes it is indeed out;).  We had a CD Release concert (2 actually) at Gulf Wars in the Green Dragon.
    From: Esther [mailto:reese_esther at yahoo.com] 
 Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 1:48 PM
 To: Ansteorran Bardic list
 Subject: [Bards] Sir Ken...
    Is the new CD out? I've heard Band of Brothers on the Interwebs Radios, so I'm hopeful?
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