[Bards] testing

Mike C. Baker kihebard at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 24 06:31:51 PDT 2008

Ivo, I edited the original subject line on that "Request for Comment"
reply -- it originally showed [Ansteorra-Announce] and [ANNOUNCEMENTS]
in some combination of capitalization, etc.

The message to which I was replying also originally appeared a couple of
days previous -- AND I was sending a copy of only a portion of the full
message that went to comments at sca.org and seneschal at anteorra.org, by
creating a new response to the original and selecting a different
reply-to address.

Hopefully that helps with the background, somewhat.

Amra / Mike / Kihe

> -----Original Message-----
> From: bards-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org 
> [mailto:bards-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Cisco 
> Cividanes
> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:15 AM
> To: Ansteorran Bardic list
> Subject: Re: [Bards] testing
> Indeed, that sounds like it would produce an interesting result.
> I, myself, have this example.
> I received an e-mail today with the following subject line.
> "Re: [Ansteorra] Request for Comment-LegalCounsel proposal"
> I searched, no other e-mails in my account have this subject, 
> or any fragment their of. The body of the e-mail comments on 
> a subject that has obviously been detailed in another e-mail, 
> one that I don't have.
> I have no explanations. To my knowledge, this is the only 
> such case of this happening to me. My experience with my 
> e-mail accounts suggests that the first suspect would be the 
> kingdom server, with a close second being a 'disagreement" 
> between the server an my G-mail account.
> But even at that, I am just guessing.
> Take all that for what its worth (likely nothing... shurg).
> Ivo Blackhawk
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Robert Fitzmorgan 
> <fitzmorgan at gmail.com> wrote:
> >     The the mail program on the ansteorra server has an option to 
> > filter duplicate messages, so that if the same message is posted to 
> > several lists you only see one of them.  Also Gmail 
> combines threads 
> > with the same subject, even from into one thread even is 
> some of the 
> > messages are from different lists, or even private messages.  The 
> > interaction of these two things can sometimes produce odd behavior.
> >    Also the internet sometimes just delivers things out of order.
> >
> > Robert

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