[Bards] Want to start conversation

willowjonbardc at juno.com willowjonbardc at juno.com
Sun Jan 18 23:35:23 PST 2009

When I went to Candlemas last year I had a purpose. I was traveling to Alfred Court and while I didn't prepare much for the competition I did prepare things about Alfred. 

I don't know if you people know this but originally I did not get my Laurel for Bard Craft. At that time the Laurel really didn't want to give anyone a Laurel in Performing Arts. I officially got my Laurel for my research and my use of the performing arts to teach.  Even when others got their Laurels in Preforming Ats most of the Laurel refused to refer to me as a "Performing Laurel" 

I will be honest I really felt uncomfortable about that. Then at Kein and Alisha Last Coronation the horse sat on Alisha. Everyone was upset and Laurels looked around to get people to perform to settle the crowd. They asked some of the famous male performers. Not Robin because I think is was taking care of the Princess. All of the people they asked would not perform because they had nothing prepare. I raised my hand and remember Mistress Mari and Mistress Branwyn looking at each other and some Laurel saying "All Right you'll do."  

Now story telling usually doesn't do that well in a out door site with over 500 people. But this was unusual situation. First the site had great acoustics and everyone was so scared that they didn't make a sound. I think it was one of the best performances in my life. I got a standing shout and from that day the Laurels have referred to me as a "Preforming Laurel". Of Course that brought its own headaches. 

Oh, the Queen, Alisha was not too badly hurt because she had been wearing a late period grown with a bum roll. She was so brave. She came out and was made Queen and then was quietly taken away to the hospital. She smiled at everyone even though she was in pain. 

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