[Bards] Bardic Championship at Bordermarch Autumn Melees...THIS SATURDAY!!

Tadhg ld_tadhg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 18 14:38:52 PST 2010

Greetings, one and All.

It's HERE!! Bordermarch Autumn Melees!

Did you know that BAM is where the Bordermarch Bardic Champion is chosen? Well, now you do!

The competition is really straightforward: two rounds, two pieces.
Preliminary rounds will be two pieces
     - extra points for two different
forms (e.g., song & story or story & poem.)

Finals will be for Their Excellencies
(at Their Pleasure) prior to evening court.

The competition will be Saturday about 1:30 p.m. at the Amphitheater (weather permitting).


...brick by brick


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