I really want a college again. I want a fellowship that promotes things and shares information. I want a college that can work on big projects. Like when we did the Nine Worthies or when we did Sir Orfeo. I want a college that promotes events by studying the time period of a event and sharing information. Like when we prepared everyone for Lions Tourney or Nine Worthies Tourney or Baron Bjorn's Things. It was fun to have kingdom projects that we all worked together on. I liked the old days when we told the stories of the Heroes. When we sent Bards to the War to bring back stories for us all the share. I liked it when people like the scholars and the historians would brings us information to share with the people. I liked being part of the college and I miss it. When there were lots of Bards/performers many of them didn't think of themselves as part of The College , but most of them benefited from there being a College. Could we get the benefits without a college. Maybe but it hasn't happened. Willow ________________________________________________________________________ Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!