Dear people One of the reasons we used the term Bard in the beginning is that we had some evidence that the word had been used in a general sort of way. The master bard of Ireland and even the journey man were part of the establish colleges, but there were independent performers who wandered around. The book I found this info in called them bards. The term was used in a looser format than the official terms of the colleges. When the colleges died their terms disappeared but the term bard stayed. Unfortunately the books I found this information are long gone and they were in English. This makes me wonder what the term was in the original language. I know I once found a reference that if a individual could convince people he was a "bard" for a year a serf or slave was declared free. The term "bard" was used to self trained person not a college trained person. We choose to use the term "bard" because it was used to describe self trained people. But I agree that using the term to describe oneself does imply an attempt to do some of the duties. That is why I think people who are following a different pathway might want to look into the terms that reflect their culture. I can't spell her name. Sway shawn shawn?? wants to be a Chinese Fool. There is no European word that means the same thing. European Fools sometimes did similar jobs but the Chinese Fool is just different. I also think by describing ourselves with all the different terms and then so of explaining what is the differences we will educate people in all the different ways of looking at performers. I think this will open windows for lots of us. I see no problem is using the general word Bard and Bardic. I just think it might be nice for us to expand individually into all the nook and corners of the cultures we are studying. I think it would be great if we used the terms that best suited our personas. Willow _____________________________________________________________ Click for free info on graduate degrees and make $150K/ year