Dear People I am afraided I have confused people. I hope this will clear things up. If i you are within a 10 foot radius and the people are there you need to aknowledge their presence even if they are not looking at you. You can nod your head or bow ever so slightly. This is only required if you are within a 10 foot radius. Most of the time when we pass in front of the Royal Pavillion we are more than 10 feet away. If possible you should not walk in front of the Crown in a way that you break their line of sight. If you are working and you are more than 10 away it is allright for you not to aknowledge them if they pay you no heed. If they Crown locks eyes with you it is a must that you bow. The Heirs to the Crown are giving the same courteies Bowing to the empty throne is a personal thing. It is up to you. Landed Baron and Barones are enfacto the Crown so they get the same courteious. Duke, Duchess, Counts and Countess according to ancient customs are given the same courtesy as Kings and Queen, but not as much or as big. The ancient customs do not give Vicount, Vicountes Court Baron and Baroness these privages, but it is nice to do so. Please remember Even if Crown and the shiny hats do not acknowledge your presence other people notice you. The people will think bad of you if you do not give the Crown, Heirs and Landed nobles their due. Also the higher the rank of the individual the more people get upset if you do not do the courteies. I know of a Laurel who refused to acknowledge an Ansteorra King and Queen at a forgein war and the populace refused to listen to her perform after that . Have I cleared up the confusion? _____________________________________________________________ Click to generate a targeted mailing list to grow your business