I agree with you, but I believe officers and nobles can be a "sponsor" too. Why can't the officers speak in a way that encourages people. I just had an experience where I went to an Autocrat and suggested that a certain action be done. I clearly stated that I wanted to do it. I was told for 5 minute that the group I am in couldn't put it on but on my own I could do anything. I was confused. I am in the group. I am a member. Why couldn't the group sponsor the idea. Wasn't it good enough. I didn't ask for anything. I had already said I would handle it. The Autocrat made me feel I could not ask anyone from my group to help me because "my" group could not do anything for the activity. In the end they gave me permission, but the communication made me feel bad. Why could not the officer started out with, " We are letting anyone who wants to do an activity do it. This one seems valid to me, but I don't have any extra people to help you with it so you will have to get your own help. Also you will need to provide the prize. I don't have a budget for extra prizes. Please send me your information so I can get it on the list of activities. I am sorry it will not be able to be on the Black Star Ad, but we can put it on the Wed site." By the way the last part was said by the other autocrat and it took the sting off the first ones words. All I am asking is that people's ideas and feeling are treated as something worthwhile. I am not asking them to avoid channels. I am asking that the officers become enablers like they were for many of the history of Ansteorra. I believe that not every place in Ansteorra is discouraging people. I would like to hear how other places are helping people cut through the red tape and realize their dreams. Your patron idea seems nice, but I have been trying to do it for five years and as soon as I stop standing over the officers they do something to make the people unhappy. This has been going on for a about 10 years. In that time I have lost 7 people out of the SCA because of interaction with officers. Do you know if the Patron concept is working anywhere? willow _____________________________________________________________ Click here for free information on nursing jobs, up to $150/hour http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/Ioyw6iifeTjLBG7mZr48cnP4gKRIO4PCHUBo2tSO8dS2jHpRC4tuyO/