I am selling at the Roses silent auction a bracelet and necklace that I wore to the event where Ansteorra got its name. I have been trying to figure out the year. His Grace, Master Jonathan thinks it was March, 1976 Countess Tessa found me this report. Clare posted this history (below) and it is in Stefan's Floregilum (however that is spelled). Maybe you could ask Clare the date????? Subject: BG - the beginning (very long) Date: Tue, 09 Jun 98 15:58:43 MST From: ND Wederstrandt To: bryn-gwlad@Ansteorra.ORG I had been in the SCA about a year(?) and locally there were three basic groups: Steppes, Stargate and the shire of Bear's Fort (Bjornsborg). Just to give you a perspective there could have been no more than 150 people total in the area. We had no name, and at that point we were not a Region. We as a group were very left out of things. At this time we were part of Atenveldt and the capital was the Barony of Atenveldt(Phoenix, Ariz) NONE of the Crowns had been from anywhere else. All the Kingdom officers were from that area and at that time we had seen 1 King (Pontius Maximillious). The Barony of the Steppes was under Baron Allemanus Draconis and the Barony of Stargate was under Lord Myrddyn ap Rhys who had been overseas in school for over 2 years at that point. So the three groups that did exist had very few awards, little or no contact with the Crown and the Kingdom officers and had already been in trouble once for bucking the system. Let me state that Ansteorra has been and will always be a rebellous state. It was born this way. Anyway two people living in Bjornsborg came up with an idea that the groups in Texas (Oklahoma was not real at this point) form a political unit to get more notice. For the most part, we acted as a unit since this triangle of cities relied heavily on each other for help. There was a history of co-operation and work. The two people sent out letters and invited the other groups to participate in the formation. Their names were Aren of Rivenhorn and Ylyssar aldor Valadin (later Sean McFlamm). Their plan was to ask for two voting representatives from each group to come and meet in Bjornsborg to discuss setting up a Region (note BIG R)... Besides this representation,each major household in the areas were also allowed two representatives. (At this time households were a very big political unit due to the fact that almost no one had an AOA let alone a peerage or anything) Other people were invited to come participate but could not vote on the final decisions. Each group was expected to send ideas for a name of the Principality, for the slate of officers, for the device, and for the awards. Smaller groups were set aside, arts and sciences, (two groups) marshallate, seneschal, herald and chronicler. It was scheduled for early March and it was to be held in the downtown offices of one of Aren and Ylyssar's household members. I remember because the office had a pair of like 14th century Spanish wood doors that you had to enter though. It was a very misty day and every time you walked outside you were were coated with this thin glittery rain. Very cool. I elected to go to the arts and sciences and the herald meeting. Of the two the herald was the neatest. They nominated three people to be considered for the job of first Regional Herald, and they then designed the arms, the awards and the title of the Herald. The arms were this and for these reasons. They picked the gold of the background because at that time none of the other groups used gold much... the Star was picked because most the other Kingdoms (West, East, and Atenveldt) used Celestial bodies on the field but no one used a Star and it also reflected the name we finally choose. The sun in base was selected to show our relationship to Atenveldt and how that sun was setting as the Star assended. That was why it was red. the idea was that when we became a Kingdom we would take off the sun. Of course we put in the ever popular Laurel wreath... What amazes me is that the arms remained with little chance all the way through (The tressure was added later to avoid a conflict or something). The award was the Star of Merit was originally the Crane which reflected the Whooping Cranes and later became a supporter. At this time Kingdoms only had One service award, no arts awards and Queens Gloves besides local Baronial awards. So we as a group didn't get those until we became a principality. The newsletter was to be the Sable Star and was for awhile until it changed to Black Star. (AOAs were really hot stuff in those days. I remember people getting to hold court because they had an AOA) The name Ansteora, (note one "r") was selected from one of three suggested. One was Gilonade and the other Terebinthia. Ansteora comes from Anglo Saxon, meaning One or Only Star. The person suggesting it was Aurielianne Rioghail, who was not there but sent a messenger. It passed and I remember how impressive Althea was explaining the rationale behind the choice. I remember taht the slate of officers we picked was the actual group that started with one exception. I remember when Willow (who was not a Duchess then) came in covered with furs and her boar spear glittering from the mist with a troop of twenty people all holding spears, all Celts, to be represented. I remember meeting people who are still good friends. It was a great memory for me. I remember how good it felt to be a part of something that everyone felt was the right thing because we were all friends.... After it was over we were heavily censured as a group for taking it upon ourselves to form a group. But Atenveldt allowed us to form and the Region of Ansteorra came into being. We operated much like a shire without any nobilty for awhile. By the time we became a Prinicpality, Atenveldt had begun decentralizing helped in part by this rebelous little Region. I feel very lucky to be what my friends tease me as an "Old Timer" because I've had this memory. Hope this gives you a little idea of what we did. I'm sure I left stuff out. Sorry it went on so long. Clare _____________________________________________________________ Not making enough money? Click here to get free info on medical jobs http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/Ioyw6iifUAxSxIbfrPRibAqL7K44zhgb773On3vLWga5c9Uusneang/