[Bg-dance] Candle dance practice

Cindy Derrick cindy at mccr.org
Fri Jan 19 21:15:48 PST 2007

If Thomas can reserve the rec center how many are willing to work on the
Candle dance this Sunday for a couple hours. 6-8 pm?

O.k...here's the choreography that I use...

Lebens disinens de 2
For as many couples as will

4	Double forward, starting on left foot
4	Double forward, starting on right foot
6	Men forward/women backward, all take single step left, single step
single step left
2	Men turn around (women stand still)
4	Double back to partner (all)
4	Double to change places (left hand, women turn to face up)
6	Women forward/men backward, all take single step left, single step
	single step left
2	Women turn around (men stand still)
4	Double back to partner (all)
4	Double to change places (left hand, men turn to face up)
2	Single forward
2	Single backward
4	Double to turn in place

Repeat until music ends.

(the number on the side is the number of counts...)


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