[Blacklake] FW: [Bonwicke] Double-edged weapons museum display

Chris England drachenhohle at suddenlink.net
Tue May 19 12:38:33 PDT 2009



-----Original Message-----
From: bonwicke-bounces+drachenhohle=suddenlink.net at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bonwicke-bounces+drachenhohle=suddenlink.net at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Jesus Cavazos
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:45 AM
To: Bonwicke
Subject: [Bonwicke] Double-edged weapons museum display



Double-Edged Weapons Slice Through the Ages

The Museum of Texas Tech University presents A Double-Edged Weapon: The
Sword as Icon and Artifact from the Higgins Armory Museum in the Galleries
2, 3, 4 and 6, located at 3301 4th Street (SE corner of 4th and Indiana
Avenue), where ample free parking is available in the north and west parking
lots; please use the 4th Street entry.

This extensive exhibition introduces modern audiences to an object that is
already universally familiar as an icon, yet largely unknown as a physical
artifact, featuring approximately 100 swords and sword elements drawn from
the rich collections of Higgins Armory Museum, in Worcester, MA. 

The story of the sword around the globe is one of diversity reflecting local
cultural tradition. Some swords were functional as battle weapons, but in
other contexts, swords were also employed as symbols of authority, status,
religion, politics, social identity, and the like. Increasing technological
sophistication and visual impact of edged weapons went hand-in-hand with a
trend to mythologization, as with Viking Age warriors who began to name
their swords, and the weapons themselves became legendary figures in their
own right, like Roland's "Durendal," Charlemagne's "Joyeuse," and Arthur's
"Excalibur."  The exhibition emphasizes the dualities and complexities
inherent in the artifact: in these deadly works of art, elegance grapples
with brutality, esthetics with functionality, and reality with myth.

The showing at the Museum of TTU is part of a national tour over two and a
half years period developed and managed by Smith Kramer Fine Art Services,
an exhibition tour development company in Kansas City, MO.




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