[Bordermarch] Hello family

Richard and Debra Parrish armand_caitrin at juno.com
Tue Feb 18 21:29:21 PST 2003

		Noble Friends....

	Thank you Lisabetta....It is about time we all joined in on the
techno-list stuff. ;)

Richard Cox did a great job in the community zero room, this through
Ansteorra should be grand as well.

Any one plan on attending RavensFort this wknd?
Can we hope to have a "tiny tourney" perhaps after war?   Thoughts?
Sundays practice at Rogers Park has been "resurrected" :)

The drums of war are sounding....We have 15 pre-registered this year!!!!
 I know of many whom are going, just not pre-registered. Bordermarch will
have a strong presence this year. Those of you not attending....you will
be there, for the arms of this barony will be lifted.


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