[Bordermarch] (no subject)

Mark Masters celtic_chaos75 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 24 23:15:42 PST 2003

Greeting Gentles one & all,

   Once again it is the end of the month & time for me & others to do our
reports for the Barony & Kingdom.  Your help is greatly appreciated at this
time by us all.  For with out your input on what every one has been doing &
suggestions we would not be able to do what we can to make this an even
better experience for us all.

   So at this time I would like to ask that some time this week if each &
every one of you could get in touch with me either by email, phone or in
person & let me know & each of the other offices as well, what every one has
been working on.  I should know be able to make it to more Fighter Practices
& Armour night as well to start more work on my own projects & help others
with theirs.

Also at this time I would once again like to as every one in the Barony if
there are any more people who would like to help teach at fighter practice
ot the rest of the populace.  One never knows when an unexpected talent
might be found to help better our Barony, Kingdom & SOciety in a whole.

Thank you one & all for your help & making Bordermarch as great as it can

In Service to the Dream,
Lord Morgan Lucktain
Minister of Arts & Sciences

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