[Bordermarch] Parts still available for Taming of the Shrew

Jon _martigan_ at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 18 21:04:42 PDT 2004

Greeting good gentles.

After several open cast calls, we have a decent portion of the parts for the
upcoming performance, but there is still room for folks who want to try out
acting in the SCA.  We will be performing Taming of the Shrew at the
November Bordermarch Baronial, and I'd like to invite anyone in the area
with interest to contact me for more information.

Remember that part of living the dream is being a model to others for how to
live it, and this is a perfect opportunity.

Thank You,

Lord Calvin Tittle
Director, Taming of the Shrew

You are what you do when it counts - The Masao

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