[Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal
Ivy Crane
anniemarieblack at msn.com
Tue Jul 6 16:20:00 PDT 2004
I am not really one to bother with politics but to this... i say AMEN....
>From: kandace harris <thetexladi at sbcglobal.net>
>Reply-To: Barony of Bordermarch <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>
>To: Barony of Bordermarch <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>, Richard
><mythus at sbcglobal.net>, Marsha k Taylor <mktaylor755 at wmconnect.com>,
> jackie Leslie <jackie_leslie at hotmail.com>, Max
><matrix360 at yahoo.com>, Charles Netterville
><cnetterville at ih2000.net>, Karen Picou <kladd at houston.rr.com>, amy
><amyfryar at yahoo.com>, Amy Eckert <breenablossom at yahoo.com>,
>Robert Isaacson <risaac9056 at aol.com>, darren&cindy
><cdpicou at sbcglobal.net>
>Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal
>Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 06:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
>I am the one that started this and it has been a good debate ...alittle one
>sided (For George W.)but ..that's O.K....I totally support our Troops no
>matter where they are ...That is not in question....However ...I would like
>for you all realizes something that I can not over look....in all the talk
>and defending of George W.(and our troops) each and everyone of you'll have
>said >>>If you don't like it ..."Shut your mouth" or "keep your opinions to
>yourself"...Well, here is a new debate .....If we are fighting for freedom
>and the right to do what we want too....Where is my freedom of
>Speech..without being told to "Shut my Mouth".....read the E-mails....I do
>disagree with George W...and who he is and what he lets you think is he
>stands for ....In case you haven't heard,..If anybody says anything against
>the Bush encampment ...that is their pat answer "Shut your Mouth" ...we
>still have not heard about the Capture of Ben Laden and his band of
>terrorist...(They're safe in
> Saudi)....Human rights or woman's rights being taking care of over
>there??? ...and yes we maybe rebuilding a school ..but we blew it up....Yes
>I think those Leaders over there are Self-righteous Zealots who want to
>burn the world down....but in the same thought , I am reminded that in the
>U.S.,.. we have Children going hungry everyday ,..we have people Sleeping
>in Boxes and eating out of dumpers..we have dead beat Dad and mothers that
>never think of their children having to have a roof over the heads....we
>have our elderly that can not pay for Meds or have to buy can dog food just
>to survive on ,....We have a drug addition here that is unprecedented in
>any other Country...(our answer ,,,Build more Prisons and hide them
>away)...why are we not 'cleaning our own back yards" when we are willing to
>"mow" someone else's front yard ?....you want to support Americans ...the
>next time your at a restaurant eating a good meal and you see a homeless
>person on the street...why don't YOU!
> go and
> invite them in and feed them...why don't YOU help them out with a place
>to sleep for the night?..Last time I looked they were American just like
>you ...when you realize that 80% of us are one pay check away from just
>like them ...where is your passion...where is your out rage.....Oh
>yea...I'm suppose to "KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT" and my opinions to my self....Jan
>..I would love to give you things to send over there for the kids ..but
>..we have kids right here that do not have pencils and paper for school or
>books or ..how about shoes and cloths to wear.......and they haven't had a
>candy bar in a year...I want our troops home safe and sound just like
>everyone does ...Iraq is in trouble ,no doubt...but so are we ....How do
>you take out the splinter in your brothers eye... if you don't take the log
>out of your own....First..remove the log and you can see the
>splinter....just a thought this a.m.....K....
>Jan Aarons <loveofhalesworth at yahoo.com> wrote: I just wanted to share a
>letter from a young man who is one of my oldest son's best friends. He is
>now in Iraq fighting for our freedom. Until 11 months ago he spent as much
>time in my home as he did his own since his mother had passed away some 8
>years ago. He has become another one of my children. (I want you to hear a
>letter from a 20 year old young man, I keep wanting to call him a boy but
>he is no longer a boy he has grown up into quite a wonderful young man). I
>am sorry this man who made Fahrenheit 9/11 is bitter and twist the words of
>everyone but it simply isn't always the truth. He wants us to hear the
>complaints of our young men and women over there fighting but he never
>mentions the reason why each person is over there. I would never let my
>children see this film and would discourage anyone else from seeing it as
>well since I try my very best to teach my children not to judge anyone else
>unless you personally know ! t!
> hem and
> you personally know that the facts are true and that means you have seen
>it actually happen or you actually heard that person say it. So on that
>note I plan on living by those words I don't know that what he is saying is
>true so I choose not to believe it and dismiss this film as fictional. You
>can cut a film and tape only what you want someone to hear. You can cut out
>and put in anything and change it around to say whatever you want it to say
>or not say. Remember that. Look each one of us no matter what we are doing
>is always gonna have complaints. I complain when I go to an event and it
>rains or it is to hot. That is one of the rights these young men and women
>are over there fighting for. Rights that we take for granted like
>complaining about anything, going to college, taking or not taking a job,
>living where we want, doing what we want, having hobbies like the SCA. Do
>you realize we can do just about anything or not do anything a! t all as
>long as we don't break the la!
> w we are
> free to do just about anything or simply to not do anything at all. And
>that presents a big question, don't you like this way of life? I sure do. I
>don't want it to change at all. And I want to feel safe again in my country
>against some crazy person who thinks just because we don't believe the same
>as they do then they have to kill us. Well unless you want them to come
>over here and shot you dead then someone is going to have to protect us.
>And I am going to stand behind them 110%. Aren't you?President Bush is our
>president and I have never ever blindly followed anyone, I support him he
>has made the best decisions he can and he has never wavered on his
>decision. He stands behind his decision and we should stand behind him. I
>personally worry everyday about our young men who are sent oversea's. I
>worry I will never see them again, as this family has already suffered a
>loss. My brother-in-law was killed by enemy fire severa! l months ago. But
>I couldn't be more proud of him t!
> han
> anyone in this world because he stood up for what he believed in. He had
>something alot of us don't have he had the need to protect us from all evil
>at any cost including the loss of his own life. This country and our way of
>life is like our children, most of us would protect our children no matter
>what including giving our life to save our children well this is how most
>of our military feel. They believe in our way of life and are willing to
>protect it even at the cost of their lives. You know most of our young men
>and women are not over there complaining they are over there trying to stay
>alive and protect their families and your family too. We all go on with our
>everyday lives and hardly give it a second thought except when we see the
>TV or some show like this. The President took a vacation while our young
>men are over sea's fighting well I would like to ask you have you taken a
>vacation since the fi! ghting has started? I have! And I have a child who
>is like my own ove!
> r there
> fighting. He is fighting so I can take that vacation and my life can
>remain as normal as possible. This letter I got several weeks ago from my
>kido. And I also wanted to share that alot of the young men and women are
>not just over there fighting they are also helping rebuild and making
>friends. Bradley and 4 of his buddies have taken it on theirselves to
>befriend some of the children there and help them rebuild their school. My
>Bradley has befriended an 11 year old boy named Shylore and has made him
>his special project. Shylore is the same age as Bradley's little brother so
>it is like having his own little brother around. Bradley tells me that the
>children there are no different than most children here they all want to
>play games and ask a million questions. Just like his brother does to him.
>Momma Jan,
> I wanted to say thank you for the care package we got it last
>week. I felt kind of funny opening the panty hose though. I tried to call
>dad after I talked to you yesterday but he wasn't home. Can you tell him I
>said hi and I will try and call again as soon as I can. I wanted to tell
>you that the talk we had about being scared helped me alot. I am only
>scared at night when we have to go out. You can't see anything and you
>never know where anyone is until they are shooting at you. You ask me a
>question yesterday and I didn't answer you and I thought I would think on
>it before I answered it. Remember you always told me to think before I
>answered because you can't take back your words. To answer your question I
>joined the Army and came over here to protect my little brother. After the
>bombing in New York I was afraid they might try and bomb other places and
>we are so close to Houston wha! t if they bomb there and miss and bomb my
>brothers school. I can't let that happen.!
> My dad
> works in Houston what if they get him. Then I won't have any parents left
>at all. I don't understand why they are trying to kill us, all I know is
>that I can't let it happen. I have to go now I promised to try and help
>finish rebuilding the school for my little friend Shylore. He wanted me to
>tell you thanks for the pencils and paper and school stuff you sent over
>for him. He said he really likes the pokemon stickers you sent. Tell
>everyone I love them, and can you tell my dad I miss him and give Randy a
>kiss for me, and tell him I know he doesn't like all that mushy stuff but I
>love him too. Tell Kory I said hi and I hope to be home before they have
>their baby and tell Troy boy I said hi and thanks for the candy bars he
>sent me. And mom thanks for always listening to me and telling me how proud
>you are of me, I love you. Wait I almost forgot, there is a guy here from
>Junct! ion City Arkansas and he doesn't have any family and he never gets
>any care packages like you send !
> to me, so
> I have been sharing with him can you send some extra stuff for him too.
>I love ya'll, PFC Bradley Hail
>Aint it cool my name sounds so official.
>We owe it to our troops to support them in there effort to keep us safe and
>in their efforts to eliminate terrorism. We owe it to our troops to let
>them know we appreciate everything they are doing for us. We owe it to our
>troops to let them know that we will keep up the fight here while they are
>fighting there. We owe it to our troops to keep up a good face even if we
>don't believe in the war. Simply this if you don't believe in the war then
>believe in our troops. And keep your opinions to yourself. And I thank god
>everyday for our troops and all the troops that has served before them.
>Just think of all of the Presidents who has called for war. We now praise
>them. We managed to serve and protect for over 200 years and look where our
>country is today because of each and every one of those soldiers who took
>up arms and said we are not going to stand for this. We are now free to do
>just about anything we want to do.
>In Service, Love
>"R. Bonner" <mythus at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>We owe it to our troops to go and see this film so we can take the
>necessary steps to get them home and stop this insanity.
>I must say WTF here, this movie slams the US and every it stands for it is
>nothing more then the personal opinion of a sad man that upset because he
>did not get to play with the kids in the Hamtons. To say we owe it to our
>troops to see this movie is an insult to the people that serve in the armed
>forces. And FYI the complaints you are hearing form troops are taken out of
>context. If you really want to know what is going on over there change you
>channel and watch their regional news from there not CNN. I really wish I
>could write well so I could go off in a proper manner like the others.
>Kandace knows full well how I feel about this she has had the pleasure of
>hearing me go off verbally about the crap there left wing liberals are
>trying to get this country to sallow as fact.
><!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
>On a side note dont you think it odd for a man that opposes the NRA and is
>for strict gun control to go hunting o.O?????? is it me or dose this wana
>be president have a problem keeping on track. I am not going to vote for a
>man that has a policy of do as I say not as I do.
>Troy Allen wrote:
>one of the reasons the movie may have had some controversy about being
>shown is that there is a law( or so i have heard recently) that this close
>to an election if any video or television show about one candidate is
>shown, an equal amount of airtime must be given to all of the candidates.
>that way, a rich candidate could not flood our television programs or
>theaters with one sided propaganda. all i am trying to say is that there
>would definitely not be any attempt to ban the movie, but more likely it
>had trouble being released due to election year laws. i do believe however
>that there is no truth whatsoever to it being banned because of a
>slanderous script. it is well known that Mr. Moore doesn't agree with the
>republican party, and this film isn't the first slash in his attack of
>President Bush. Mr. Moore, if you recall, made an attack on president bush
>at the oscars live on national televis! ion immediately after his election.
>in his acceptance speech at the oscars he m!
> ade the
> statement that bush was a fictitious president elected in a false
>election. therefore, it would also make sense that this film isn't only
>about iraq, but just another cheap attempt to openly express his contempt
>for Bush. what this says to me is that Michael Moore is doing nothing more
>than using Iraq as an excuse to slander bush out of re-election. whatever
>the circumstances about the war, this film, our president, or the upcoming
>election try to keep this in mind Mr. Moore, if you don't like how things
>are being done, do it yourself. this is a democracy anybody can run for
>president. if you think you can do better, then try. i personally am
>completely unaffiliated in the political field. i go with the candidate
>that i think will get the job done the best. if it were up to me, senator
>McCain would have been the president not bush. but that isn't our current
>situation now is! it? we have the president that we elected by popular
>opinion. rightr now all we can do is hope fo!
> r the
> safe return of our friends and family overseas( this one is for Brian!
>who's tour should be up at the end of this year!)and remember that they did
>volunteer, and wouldn't be there if they didn't want to go. so with that in
>mind, i leave this famous quote for Mr. Moore,"Know your role and shut your
>From: "charles netterville" <cnetterville at ih2000.net>
>To: "kandace harris" <thetexladi at sbcglobal.net>,"jackie Leslie"
><jackie_leslie at hotmail.com>,"Max" <matrix360 at yahoo.com>,"richard &drebra
>Parrish" <armand_caitrin at juno.com>,"Karen Picou"
><kladd at houston.rr.com>,"amy" <amyfryar at yahoo.com>,"buddy"
><troy_allen1 at hotmail.com>,"darren&cindy" <cdpicou at sbcglobal.net>,"Amy
>Eckert" <breenablossom at yahoo.com>,"Robert Isaacson" <risaac9056 at aol.com>
>Subject: Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal
>Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 15:55:40 -0500
> First of all you need to know what you're forwarding here. Michael
>Moore is a Marxist who would like nothing more than to see this country run
>solely by the government. He's one of those leftist radicals who want
>capitalism and free enterprise banned and supports gun control, abortion
>and has hated the republican party and everyone else that stands for
>limited government and increased personal responsibility since his youth.
>This is not the first propaganda film he's generated and it certainly won't
>be the last.
>The first thing that should be corrected is that the White house made NO
>attempt to ban this, or any other film being produced at this time or any
>other. We as Americans have the freedom of speech in this country
>regardless if they're trying
>to slander the good name of our country, our president and our military.
>Almost two dozen of the ( facts ) that this militant proscribes as truth
>have been determined to be either outright fabrications or such a stretch
>of the original truth that there's no way to discern where the truth starts
>and Michael's fable begins.
>This is an election year so we all expect the Democrats to pull out all the
>stops to try and regain the power of the Executive, the Senate and the
>House branches of the government, however, it's up to us to arm ourselves
>with the facts and truth of Michael Moore, the left and what the new
>Democratic party stands! for.
>I can sympathize because I too have been raised Democratic and I still
>believe in the values set forth by the founding Democratic party.
>Unfortunately, the current representatives of that party do not.
>It's time for each of to have the courage to cross party boundaries and
>support the values and ideals that our founding fathers set forth and not
>pigeon hole ourselves into a one party right, one party wrong mentality as
>Mr. Moore would have us believe.
>For instance, I know he doesn't care for the idea of the war, and who
>really does like war, right? But if you'll think back, none of his
>assertions make much sense.
>We went to Iraq because of 17 U.N. resolutions that had been broken,
>300,000 of his own countrymen slaughtered in just the previous year and a
>direct threat to the world in the form of an attack on Kuwait as the
>primary cause of action. The fact that everyone from Bush Sr., Bill Clinton
>and the world intelligence for years has been claiming W.M.D.s ! , not just
>our current President. The left would love for us to believe this and use
>it as just cause to fire our president in the next election. And if these
>charges held even the slightest truth, I would...
>The weapons that we've found have included a large supply of Uranium, but
>since it wasn't refined or in a warhead, we call it a WMD, let's see,
>there's the hundreds of barrels of components to mix a variety of nerve
>agents, poisons and other chemical agents, but they were only components
>and could have been used for other things, surely they weren't the WMDs,
>We've found several hundred Serrin gas cartridges only recently mixed in
>and about thousands of weapons and munitions dumps around the country but
>we just don't seem to be hearing about this except for our friends who are
>there now and are having them pointed at them so surely we can't call those
>WMDs either. We also have the stockpile of nerve agent that had to be
>purchased only a week ago when world intelligen! ce learned that terrorists
>were bidding on the stockpile and these agents bought them instead. Are
>those the WMDs that don't exist??? I've given up trying but I won't give up
>on my belief that this is the greatest country on the planet and we either
>support it or have the decency top keep our mouths shut so that we don't
>discourage our boys ( who by the way are all volunteers, they choose to be
>there ) fighting to preserve our way of life.
>Keep this in mind too. We're being told that since only 57 % of Iraqis
>support the new government and regime change that we're obviously doing the
>wrong thing by being there. There was a war only 200 years ago that only
>held a 17 % approval rating among the populace of the country but the
>founders felt strongly enough about it to move forward and declare
>independence anyway. That would have been the United States of America...
>Aren't you glad our founding fathers didn't pay attention to the polls
>Also, you've worn the uniform! of service for our great nation. In all of
>your studies, have you ever seen a war strategy that had an exit
>strategy??? Come on now. We go in, we fight until we kill the bad guys or
>they surrender, we sign terms of surrender , we rebuild what we blew up and
>go home. That's been the exit strategy of every war we've ever fought in
>regardless of who sent us there. By the way, the 20th century wars would be
>a good course of study for anyone thinking of electing Kerry. The garbage
>he's spewing in an attempt to get elected flies in the face of all that
>we've known to work for hundreds of years and supports dry ideas proven
>around the world NOT to work. Why repeat the mistakes of the past? .
>The fact that our enemies haven't surrendered yet is the only thing
>standing in the way of our boys coming home, not any one decision made by
>our president, his staff or any seated member of our government or our
>armed forces.
>Be one of the ones who support the war effort, have the guts t! o pray for
>our boy's safe return, have the guts to rise up and remind everyone that
>separation of church and state does not mean separation of church FROM
>state... One is still required to have the other. Self government means
>self discipline and this democracy can't work unless it's people adhere to
>the teachings of The Torah, Christ and Holy scripture. These Muslim
>radicals seek to destroy Jews first, then Christians, and lastly the Pagans
>and unbelievers, not Republicans or Democrats as the left would have us
>Also, I'm not asking that you take my word for any of this. Visit your
>libraries, seek help through encyclopedias, read up on your history. Not
>just any history but read war strategies and various presidential recounts.
>Don't rely on the revisionist accounts of the biased media of today. We
>play in the new middle ages. We preserve history and chivalry... Let this
>not be any less of an act of chivalry than anything else we would seek to
>accomplish. See the movi! e if you wish, but see it knowing it for what it
>is. A left wing campaign ad and a slight against a great man and a great
>In joyful service I remain, In servitiae Christe et Coronae, Charles/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: kandace harris
> To: jackie Leslie ; Max ; Charles Netterville ; richard &drebra Parrish
>; Karen Picou ; amy ; buddy ; darren&cindy ; Amy Eckert ; Robert Isaacson
> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 11:17 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Fahrenheit 9/11
> This was sent to me by My oldest friend I have...This is from a person
>who DOES NOT have a "polical" bone in her intire body....her thoughts
>suprised me because I did even know she voted ....just passing this on
>...If your afinded by this ...then go see what everone is talking about....
> Mktaylor755 at wmconnect.com wrote:
> From: Mktaylor755 at wmconnect.com
> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 09:52:06 EDT
> Subject: Fahrenheit 9/11
> To: sbarringer at sbcglobal.net, Marble751 at wmconnect.com,
>adasha at sbcglobal.net,
> Terrinava at sbcglobal.net, wtaylor1 at worldnet.att.net, Tyson1031 at aol.com,
> Behannon681 at ao! l.com
> We went yesterday to see Fahrenheit 9/11 . Anyone who is planning to
>vote for Bush needs to see this film. The White House tried to ban this
>film from being show in the US after it won the Canned Film Festival but
>couldn't because the contents of the film were proven to be factual.
> This is a shocking film but it answers all the questions about why
>Iraq and not Ben Laden as well as many other questions I had about the
>problems today.
> We owe it to our troops to go and see this film so we can take the
>necessary steps to get them home and stop this insanity.
> Marsha
> Kandyce of Oakcliff
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