[Bordermarch] Fw: [Ansteorra-announce] Photos

Jackie Leslie jackie_leslie at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 8 16:10:37 PST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik-RR" <elanghans at houston.rr.com>
To: <ansteorra-announce at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 10:45 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra-announce] Photos

> I am seeking some great, high quality, wow photos of the SCA, preferably
> Ansteorra.  Why?  I am trying to finalize press releases for use by
> groups as well as some new member material.  
> I have some War Shots already so unless they are fabulous don't need any
> more of these.
> I am looking for pictures of people in the Fancy Outfits, Equestrians in
> full splendor, A&S, Dance, and rapier where the people are in action and
> in nice garb and helms (if possible).
> So if you have a high quality photo that may fit the bill, please email
> me.
> Modius
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