[Bordermarch] directions

Alexandria Penrose alexandriapenrose at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 05:47:36 PDT 2004

Hello!  I will gladly resend the directions and am glad that someone new wants to come!  
Fighter practice will be held in the field beside the McDonald Gym and adjacent the Setzer Student Center.  To get there, 1) go south from I-10 on Martin Luther King Drive 2)  go for a bit (3-4miles?) and exit onto Lavaca. 3) take a left (go west) and go to the four way stop at University Drive.  4) take a left (south) and go until you see a parking lot numbered C1on the right.  The field is located by the far right side of the parking lot.  It will be across the field near the few trees that are there.  I will probably be there by 6:45 so that no one goes off somewhere else.  I look forward to seeing you there.


Alexandria Penrose

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