[Bordermarch] Thank you Isabella!

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 6 11:50:41 PDT 2005

Following Isabella's advice, I just finished adding the great links from the 
Ansteorra Minister of Children's site to Bordermarch's SCA Kids section.  
You'll all want to take a peak; the "Destroy the Castle (build your own 
Trebuchet) link is addictive!  Anyone have any more suggestions???

Also, I would really appreciate hearing from those of you with interests in 
the nautical / maritime, AND per my rodeo-queen daughters' suggestion, 
especially any equestrians out there.  What would YOU like to see added to 
Bordermarch's home on the web???  Let me know!
At your service,

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