[Bordermarch] FW: Request for Payment from Baron Master Lucais

cameron at anderson-studio.com cameron at anderson-studio.com
Wed Aug 24 13:28:27 PDT 2005


Blessings and a warm summer Greetings unto Baron Mast Lucais du Belier from
the grounds keeper at Border Keep,


As Autumn Melees approaches, so does payment for my services.


Baron of Bordermarch, Armand de Lacy, has informed me that currently you
will be making payment for the castle grounds maintenances at Border Keep. 


The other work crews have been busy with expansions and renovations. The
aqueduct bring running water to the castle is complete. The new wall is also
now complete. The well and new gate door on the Sally Port should be
finished soon.  You will be impressed with their work and should soon see a
bill for their services, as well.


As for my duties: Fields are cleaned clear of debris, weeds are pulled,
lawns are cut, old tree stumps removed, and the both gardens are flourishing
in full bloom.


As the grounds of Border Keep grow, so does the amount of work to keep up
those grounds.  In an effort to meet these increasing demands of labor to
provide an estate fitting your noble ranking, I submit this humble request:
beside the customary 1 cow, 5 chickens and 2 ducks, that Baron Armand has
paid in the past, I, the Grounds Keep, am in  need of one fair maiden of
good breeding (one with sewing and mending skills would be a nice).



Your humble servant at Border Keep,

The Grounds Keeper


Also, as you had asked me to keep an eye on things while you were away, and
wanted me to report any concerns:  I hear tell, the draperies you requested
are on the way, but to complete your bedroom chamber, where those draperies
will go, they are badly in need of many more bricks.


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