[Bordermarch] Re: [Ravensfort] Award Recommendations

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 10 10:45:14 PST 2005

Remember that until after Coronation crown at ansteorra.org will be directed to Their Current Majesties...so until Coronation if you use the online form it would be a really good idea to copy coronet at ansteorra.org (the Current Prince and Princess)
Also... HRH Ulsted and HRH Cateau have a history of relying heavily on the local Barons and Baronesses to be their eyes and ears...so if you do not copy the Baron and Baroness of the person you are recommending there is a good possibility that the person may not get the award.
Lorraine DeerSlayer

Shane Wallace <sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com> wrote:
Greetings unto the Baronies of BorderMarch & Raven's Fort,

If you know of someone who has earned an award, please feel free to 
recommend them to the Crown & your local B&B. The following website has 
the correct location to make an award recommendation. Please be sure to 
send the local B&B an email or call , so they are not caught off guard 
if crown gives them a call.
In Service,
Lord Malcolm de Crauford
Seneschal of Raven's Fort


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