[Bordermarch] Fw: May 1st meta-history...

Jon Bilderback _martigan_ at yahoo.com
Wed May 4 00:12:14 PDT 2005

>From our friends in Bryn Gwlad:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Keyes" <arthurthedented at yahoo.com>

> On May 1st 1966 , our forebears in a world seemingly
> gone mad sought sanity and fun in an Arthurian garden
> party in berkely CA... welcome now my friends to the
> party that never ends... and if you've ever wondered
> about the split personality of the SCA (historical
> society vs. idealized rose tinted door to a
> chivalricly mythologized world) that pretty much tells
> you where it started...
> I know most folks on the list know this but some
> apparently didnt quite recognize the "happy birthday
> SCA!" or perhaps "Happy SCA new years!" posting...

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