[Bordermarch] Proteges: Carlotta / Donnell / Eibhlin

benliz benliz at ev1.net
Mon Nov 21 08:33:16 PST 2005

Ladies who touch my heart, 
Your Grace Julia,  M'lady Becca,
Dear Protégé's and treasured Friends,

The entire Autumn Melees event was astounding from start to finish.  I wanted to share this one glimpse with you.  When you read other full accounts of the event, you will see other reasons why my heart is also joyful to overflowing.

In this brief message I want to convey how very pleased I am that my Protégés Lady Eibhlin and Lady Donnell have a new sister: Lady Carlotta de Niccolosi.  This dear woman is a worker with a touch for the elegant, is informative and creative as an historian, is a weaver of belts who freely gives her wares, is polishing her skills in calligraphy and illuminations -called upon to prepare victory scrolls for events in her home shire Rosenfeld-  and is endlessly hospitable.  She effectively serves in offices as Chronicler and Historian of her home shire and has served in other offices before.  And oh, yes, she is our daughter-in-law, wed to our adorable persona son Lord Ricciardio de Niccolosi, who was previously called Richard Redscale.

In a pre-dusk ceremony, words were spoken from our hearts, non-scripted;  I did charge the gathered witnesses, exactly as when bonding with Eibhlin and Donnell:  "When you witness this good woman doing something wonderful, tell *her.*  When you witness her do something that needs improvement, tell me, that I may counsel her."  
I spoke of Carlotta's contributions to her home Shire as well as away from Rosenfeld.  She is in the groups that are first and or last to leave sites - at home or away; prepares beautiful, inviting surroundings which take you to the time and place and thereby make the dream come alive; does errands for stewards to help set ups; helps tear downs, helps to arrange or delegate artistic displays or competitions; and opens a welcoming hand to new comers at local meetings, or at events anywhere in the Kingdom.

The ceremony was endearing for us, at the BorderKeep site, standing in front of our "Arms of Ansteorra Garden" (its plants looking pitiful from Rita's damages, not yet recovered to full ground cover crysanthamum golds or dianthus reds), with Donnell's beautious banner of Ansteorran red sun on the gold field that she made just for that garden- but I take it other places as well.  Witnesses enjoyed the association, the words, the froo.   

Our tokens included a hand-woven yellow belt prepared generously from the heart and loom of my Sister Pelican, Her Grace Duchess Julia de Montoya, brought to the event by Mistress Dianne; as well as a yellow sash-kerchief-favor, embroidered with the likeness of my personal arms (rooted pine tree, blue rose, and ermine) and the badge of Lady Carlotta and Lord Ricciardo (fieldless, a lion's face), with the threadwork being done by Mi'lady Becca.   I did not realize until Carlotta reminded me that I had selected sash fabric like that of her cream gold wedding dress...
With the in-law bind that Carlotta and I already share, we laffffed so hard saying, "Are we married now?   Answer:  "Yes, ...but not to each other!"

Lady Donnell, thank you for being the encouraging attendant.  Lady Eibhlin, you were missed but thought of.  The group did have a few quick snapshots made, and I hope to be able to soon share with you.

Fond regards,
Grace and Peace to all,
Tessa, Pelican
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