[Bordermarch] Fwd: Need Help for Melees Merchant Booth

HE Armand De Lacy baron at bordermarch.org
Mon Oct 31 05:26:20 PST 2005

LadyVal at aol.com wrote:From: LadyVal at aol.com
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 01:01:26 EST
Subject: Need Help for Melees Merchant Booth
To: bordermarch at ansteorra.org
CC: baron at bordermarch.org, lisabaumer at yahoo.com, yagi69 at cableone.net,
CharlesAngels212003 at yahoo.com, bordermarch at yahoogroups.com,
k_brantley at hotmail.com, ericus at sbcglobal.net, _e_east at yahoo.com,
lil-ebee-doll at webtv.net, Amberlea at aol.com, cameron at anderson-studio.com,
clarkcw at iwon.com, bushpilot2 at prodigy.net, HenriKSCA at yahoo.com,
cnetterville at ih2000.net, BlackMoor at webtv.net, munkybeesness at juno.com,
AnnieMarieBlack at msn.com, cre8tivtess at yahoo.com, Keterlyn at yahoo.com,
Bobcat0839 at aol.com, d_fox at hotmail.com, gwynethb63 at yahoo.com,
hillaryrg at yahoo.com, gothmedic212 at yahoo.com,
Jackie_Leslie!@hotmail.com, jackie_leslie at hotmail.com,
katitcha at hotmail.com, kwc3f at netscape.com, lADYkANDYCE at SBCGLOBAL.NET,
LdyAeval at aol.com, benliz at ev1.net, spiderwoman at cableone.net,
spider-woman at msn.com, tmortimo at tea.state.tx.us,
cnetterville at hotmail.com, iainmacc at juno.com, cdpicou at sbcglobal.net,
s-robbins at juno.com, Egs43 at aol.com, slovaczek at juno.com,
dragonut at swbell.net, tessag at ev1.net, thetexladi at sbcglobal.net,
Longlegs9574 at aol.com, Chawee at aol.com, ardoin at bucaneer.net,
kwc3f at netzero.net

Greetings to my Friends in Bordermarch and Beyond,
Melees are just around the corner andm as discussed at the September populace meeting, I am excited about running a booth of "garage sale"type items to be sold to help disaster relief efforts.  Ii am purchasing a new pavilion for this, and we have given it the name of "Valencia's Vintages", but am asking your help.
First, is there anyone who would like to be my assistant/deputy in this endeavor?  It will mainly be set up on Saturday and announced that all proceeds will be donated to relief efforts and/or the Red Cross.  I do need assistance in helping to gather used items to sell, such as books, garb, feast gear, candles, candleholders, tablecloths, napkins, jewelry, hats or headgear,  baskets, or other useful items of interest to SCA.
Second, could everyone please begin to gather any items of this kind that you have outgrown, or are of no use and just taking up room in your closet?  I dont want to compete with our hard-working Hospitaler, who has loaner garb and things to lend to newcomers, but I am sure we all have "stuff" we need to get rid of.  
So happy to be back in Bordermarch and looking forward to seeing everyone soon,
Much Love,

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