[Bordermarch] Weisenfeur Rapier Champion

benliz benliz at ev1.net
Mon Sep 5 09:14:59 PDT 2005

Word fame has come from the North:  
(1) Our very own Baron of Bordermarch Armand DeLacy is victorious as Rapier Champion of Weisenfeur.  Vivat!
As to one of his first duties, Baron Lucais is said to have charged Armand to look after the BorderKeep!  
(2) Lord Sterling also competed in this Rapier contest and at one point Armand and Sterling faced each other.
(3) Lyllianne the Poet made an impression upon the bardic community in that she was highly encouraged to continue her bardic craft... this encouragement from adults, intended in adult competetion.  Lyllianne just had her 14th bitrthday.
(4) Lord Phocas of Bordermarch was charged by Baron Lucais, it is told, to continue to care for the BorderKeep grounds and to change his name to Phocas 'of Weisenfeur'.
Vivat Bordermarchers!  Vivat the Dream!
Tessa, Bordermarch
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