[Bordermarch] Stargate Baronial

Darlene Vandever annescvb at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 18:28:05 PDT 2006

Dear Friends to our East,

In a few short weeks, Stargate is hosting their Baronial event at the
beautiful Camp Camwood in Waller, TX. Please consider joining us for what
promises to be an interesting and fun event.

This year's theme is "Travels with Marco Polo". HL Gerald is planning a
feast with dishes from the countries the Polo traveled through on his way to
the fabled Orient. Come and be trantilized by his culinary delights!

Friday night a Bardic Circle is planned for the entertainment of our camping
guests. Bring your voice, drums, and creativity and prepare to have an
evening of magic beneath the stars!

Saturday is filled with everything we love to enjoy. Chivalric, Rapier,
Archery, Equestrian, Youth, A&S and more are all happening, also themed
around the fabeled travels of this most famous explorer.

During lunch, we invite you to bring your best and most colorful kite to fly
in the time-honored Chinese sport of Kite Flying! Word fame to the most
beautiful kites!

More entertainment is planned for during and after feast. We hope many of
you will make the short trip to visit us as we plan to put on an old
fashioned SCA Fun filled event! Until then, I remain...
Forever in Service,
Mesterinde Annes
Stargate Baronial Autocrat
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