[Bordermarch] SCA Info for Parchment Pages

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Thu Aug 3 19:27:10 PDT 2006

Time to update the Bordermarch Parchment Pages (not quite the "Yellow" 
to be republished in September.
Please inform Lord Phocas of your phone number and contact address
if you have not very recently done so.
Reach Phocas at:  chronicler at bordermarch.org

Also please mention your areas of interest, what awards you may have 
 office experience, and perhaps the "year" you started participating, and
please share this information with others you know who might not be 
subsecribed to the on-line bulletins.

He has a slot for all kinds of interesting informaiton for each individual 
in the Parchment Pages to be identified with details and a portrait.

Thanks, one and all,

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