[Bordermarch] Their Excellencies

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Sat Dec 2 03:25:31 PST 2006

As of Populace Meeting Thursday night Nov 30, Their Excellencies Caitrin and 
Armand De Lacy standing together announced to all present that 2007 Spring 
Baronial Champion event will also be an Investiture.

After representing the Crown since Nov, 2001, TEx's are retiring and are 
immediately receptive for letters of application.  They requested all 
letters of interest by the end of December; interviews of applicants to be 
in January; and polling in February for investiture to be at 30th Year 
Baronial Champions in April.

The rather amazed populace responded of how Their Excellencies of 
Bordermarch are appreciated for their lengthy term of leadership (5+ years), 
mentioning that after Hurricane Rita, September, 2005, a year ago, with 
Their vast damage sustained, it would not have been surprising to the 
populace for Their Excellencies to have retired after Melees were carried 
out last year.  We all appreciate their leadership, their inspiration, their 
representation of the Crown, their representation of Bordermarch to the 
Kingdom, and their dedication to have remained as Landeds for this past year 
of difficulties after Hurricane Rita.

They were met with an ovation, tears, and hugs.

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