[Bordermarch] Merry Christmas to all

kwc3f at netscape.com kwc3f at netscape.com
Fri Dec 22 16:49:07 PST 2006

Greetings in this holy season, 
     My lord husband Zephan, our son Alan, and myself wish all our Bordermarch family a Blessed Christmas. It has been our pleasure and privelege to be part of a wonderful group of people that have enriched our lives. We wish you all the best in 2007. God bless you all.
-Lady Meresankh Demiana Wimhotep
    (the Wimberley family)

Footprints . . . The Sequel

Then I said, "But Lord, what are these 
two lines in the sand next to Your 
footprints?" And He answered,
 "My child, those were the times I had to 
drag you kicking and screaming until 
you decided to get a clue and snap out of it."

Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

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