[Bordermarch] scribes of Bordermarch

Theresa Liddle cre8tivtess at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 24 14:40:57 PST 2006

Greetings Isabella comes this missive from Therese,
  I would love to see the A&S scroll that you are talking about since I was not here last year. Need to know size of and information on the scroll. Might be interested in creating one if time allows.
  Yours in Service,
  Therese d'Ivoire, MoAS Bordermarch
  (Just a quick request on the Champion A&S scroll. The scroll last year was absolutely awesome! I would like to see this year's scroll out do last year. To which ever talented scribe decides to take this on, please get in touch with me so I can show you last year's scroll. Maybe it will provide some inspiration. I really want to see Bordermarch A&S become THE competition to win!   Isabella)


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