[Bordermarch] Bordermarch Digest, Vol 2, Issue 12

Theresa Liddle-Bernsen cre8tivtess at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 25 15:25:25 PDT 2006

Unto the populas of Bordermarch comes this missive from HL Therese d'Ivoire, MoAS Bordermarch,
        Well, I am not sure if I have good news or bad news. I gave Gina (ArtSmart director) the class information and the only class she wants is the pottery . She is working on other class ideas this weekend but she didn't say whether she wanted any of us to do them or not. This is what she sent back to me: 
                                                                 Note: I had no idea of the limited age range of the students until this letter from her.
        "I do want to discuss some of the projects that you have scheduled for the medieval week.  I have decided that we are very interested in the pottery project that you have suggested but as for the rest of the projects, I do not think we are going with them.  I'm afraid the pomander project may be too short and too expensive for us to do, it requires a lot of items that will not make the project cost effective for the limited time it will require.  The caligraphy is a nice idea but most of the students fall in the age range of 6-8 and can barely print their names much less attempt calligraphy.  If we were working with only older children, it would have been a great project.  Also, we did heraldry last year with the Celtic/Scottish studies and I would hate to repeat a project 2 years in a row.
         I have been doing some extensive research and I have come up with a few project ideas that I will be experimenting with this weekend.
1-Armor shield; I will attempt to create one out of foam board and use similar ideas of heraldry for decorating them
2-Wreath; I am going to work on a floral wreath head piece with raffia, ribbon & flowers
3-Carved candle; I will carve rune designs in a candle and fill the carvings with paint to see how it works out.
4-Herb garden; I would like to paint runes on a pot and fill them with herbs used during the period for healing, food & magical cures.
5-Sundial; I will make it out of plaster, paint, stones and wood.  
         Each one of the projects that we do must have a corresponding presentation to teach the children the purpose of each item during that period in time.  armour-for knights, wreaths-for women & maidens, candles-for ritual & illumination, herbs-for medicine & magic, sundial-as ancient clocks
         I appreciate all the help and please thank the ladies who volunteered for the projects we won't be using.  Please let me know how much clay will be needed for each child so that we can order it as soon as possible."
        Because I didn't get back to them earlier enough to let them know how many people were coming to the opening, they scheduled something else for the Second Sunday Opening, I am not sure what, but we will not be doing the demo on the 9th of July. When I spoke to the new curator at that time, I told him to go ahead because at that point, I did not know how many people would be there for the opening, 6 to 8 people at an opening would not be a good showing and at that point I did not know of any more that would be there for the 9th. 
NOTE: If I can get response from you as to who would be available for the demo on the 9th, I will call the museum and maybe we can get the demo back, but with no response I can not assume that we can do it. PLEASE let me know. 
        I will still need people to help hang the show on the 5th of July, and what ever you have to show, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know and if you can get it to the museum on the 5th or if you can get it to me before that date. I CAN NOT READ YOUR MIND!!! I am not sure how many of the Bordermarch members get these posts but at this point, I have ask, I have posted here, it is posted on the web site, and I have seen some of you but I have only gotten but a few people to respond to the call for art work. Do you just not want to show your work or is it me being pushy?????? 
        We have an opportunity to show off our unique talents as a group and no one seems to be interested. At this point I AM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!!! This opportunity will NOT come again and I am disappointed with the response to my call for art work and notice of participation on the 9th. Now the 9th may be gone to us but I still need to know who has work and who will help with the hanging of the show on the 5th?? If you get this message, I need to know NOW, OR I will have to just take the pieces I know about and what I have and try to put together a show without the rest of you. You can even call me, my number: 896-5206.
        I appologize for my anger to those of you who have resonded, but I am not happy because of the classes and I am not happy because some of our members don't act like they care. 
       I remember speaking to these people about the following arts: calligraphy/illumination (Kaithlen Hamilton; Valencia), needlework (AmberLea), woodcraft (Ericus), sword collection (if we have a case to put them in) (John the Sterling), armor (Badon; Simonn), garb (Tessa; Valencia; Quendolyn), metalcraft (Santiago), leathercraft (Badon), photo journal of castle  (Phocas), & pottery. I know there were others but I can not remember who they were, so please help me remember. Please, those of you to who have indicated you would participate please send me an email and give me a list of the items you have for display, and if you can bring them to me or the museum, and if you can help hang the show. The 5th will be here before we know it and I do want us to have a good show. PLEASE respond.
I am your grumpy A&S officer,
Therese d'Ivoire 
PS: If you know anyone who does not get these posts please let them know and have them call me. Give them my number. I do not know everyone to be able to contact them myself.
Theresa Liddle-Bernsen 
dba:  Old Earth Creations
8255 Highway 105
Beaumont, TX 77713
409-896-5206 - home / 409-291-1502 - cell
206-350-7687 - fax 

----- Original Message ----
From: bordermarch-request at lists.ansteorra.org
Today's Topics:
   1. Re: For TAMS Demo, (Crystal young)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 22:58:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Crystal young cly0929 at sbcglobal.net

Tessa, when is the demo??? 
PS we have missed everyone!!!
Tessa <tessa at gt.rr.com> wrote:
        A big SCA demo is in the works to inform and attract adults and their children through the arts community.  Our Cooks' Guild has been asked to prepare some sample period food tastings to present at the Texas Artist Museum Demo at their grand opening July 9 in Port Arthur. 
        The word through our MoAS HL Therese' de Ivorie now  is that our guild is not permitted to have a "food for sale" booth;  however, the museum would like to see some "tastings" available to the visitors.
        In discussions, some of the cooks have pondered presenting small portions of pita chips with humus, quiche, peas porridge, or some tiny meat and veg kabobs, or baklava, and/or a fruit bread pudding.  These ideas are flexible.
        A group  -at least seven people-  will be gone for the Coronation of Their soon-to-be Majesties Aaron 2 and Britta 2 during that museum opening weekend and will not be present to participate at the grand opening Demo.
        What thinkest thou?  Who would be available to attend the Demo to take the food there if the foods were prepared ahead of time?
        Our electric warmers and ice coolers would be available.  We need someone to take the foods, set up a sampling table, serve the samples, then clean up and pack.  
        Please respond to either Honorable Lady Therese' or HE Mistress Tessa or to Her Excellency Caitrin- Baroness of Bordermarch.
   Thank you.
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