[Bordermarch] November POPULACE MEETING

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Nov 24 11:39:47 PST 2006

Reminder from Seneschal:
POPULACE MEETING is scheduled for this-coming THURSDAY.
Conference Room at Gander Mountain, Beaumont;
Dowlen Road at Eastex Freeway, first block south of ParkDale Mall.
7:00 shop, visit, chat;
7:30 pray attend.
9:00 vacate; GM closing time.

Hope everyone on list had a marvelous Thanksgiving, filled with blessings 
beyond countable.

The 2006 BAM event last weekend was extraordinary!
Thank You-s are in order for stweards and every one to whom a responsibility 
was delegated;
to all locals and guests who attended, helped with site set-up or 
pack-up/clean-up; or with gate,
or field marshaling, heralding, water bearing, equestrian, bardic, children, 
scribals, classes, merchant village, available foods, feast, campfie meals,
transitions for court or wedding or battle, ambience, and helping all others 
with general good will.  There have been various feedback messages on this 
having been a fab and awesome Melees.

Twenty-three First Battle-Field Kills for Shaky Knees!  Wow-eeee!   All of 
you helped form those 23 dreams...  highest number so far.  Thanks for the 
team-work, each and all.

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