[Bordermarch] Work Pary Idea

Tommie Stovall-Prentiss katitcha at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 24 13:32:15 PST 2006


  I was wondering if anyone has comprised a list of Barony members and 
families who need work done from storm damage.  The work party at the home 
of the Baron and Baroness seemed to have gone over rather well.  If the 
populace is willing, mayhap we could form such a list and the work needed, 
then folks with the skills could instruct as to what exactly would be needed 
for repairs and go from there?  I know there are many wide ranging skills 
available to members of the Barony.  Work parties could be arranged on 
weekends, those needing the work could help and offer food refreshment and 
facilities etc etc.
How does everyone else feel about this issue?  I was going to put it forth 
at populace, but I don't know if I will be there or not.  Please sound off.

In Service
Lady Katitcha

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