[Bordermarch] A word about Melees

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 9 18:04:21 PDT 2006

Unto Our Fair Barony of Bordermarch,
   As my mind races to the beat of daily demands in the mundane world and their battle for equal time, I find myself thinking about this game we play that has infused my spirit with wonder and awe. 
   The rules of the game vary but one constant that draws family and I ever deeper into its grasp is the craziest group of people I have ever met.
   One hundred percent humidity, rain or shine and I find myself right besides these people dressed in period clothing reenacting the medieval life as it should have been lived. Working as one large family our small Barony puts on one heck of a show that draws travelers from afar and has them planning next year’s trip to our lands in advance. Our populace works behind the scenes not so much to reap rewards but to help others shine in the spotlight for perhaps the first time in their lives. 
    I can’t help but get excited about the upcoming Autumn Melees this year.  A lot of hard work and deadlines to met are ahead of us but this group of diehards that populate Bordermarch always seem to make the undoable a done thing.
    I speak for my family when I say the treasure we found in our own backyard is Bordermarch and its crazy friendly people who opened their hearts and welcomed us home.
  In Service of the Dream
  Lord Santiago 

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