[Bordermarch] NEWS !!! = Site Fees Update

Richard and Debra armand_caitrin at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 13 10:00:08 PDT 2006

Greetings Populace !
       Thanks for every ones input and concerns about our budget for Melees. We appreciate all the help.
       The officers, the Event Stewart's, Armand and I have been working on how we could lower the budget for Melees.  Since members of Bordermarch will be donating some of the items on the budget we can now lower the site fees.
  The NEW FEES are:
  Entrance fees:
  Adults for Thursday & Friday - $14.00    
  Adults for Sat. & Sun.          -  $12.00   
  Teens ages 13 -17               -  $ 6.00
  Children ages 12 and under FREE
  Electricity Fees:
  Tenting for Thursday & Friday Thu Sunday  - $14.00
  Tenting for Saturday & Sunday                   - $10.00
  RVs on a daily rate of                                - $ 10.00 a Day
    Thanks to all those who have offered to donate, so that we are now able to make the changes.
  HE Caitrin de Lacy
  Baroness of Bordermarch

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