[Bordermarch] Bordermarch Populace Meeting Notes Aug, 2006
tessa at gt.rr.com
Mon Sep 4 09:48:46 PDT 2006
Populace Meeting Notes
August 31, 2006
Populace Meeting at Gander Mountain began at 7:30 PM.
Bordermarch Populace Meetings (held the last Thursday of a month) are
scheduled for Beaumont Gander Mountain for the following months:
2006 OCT, NOV, DEC;
2007 JAN.
SEPT 2006 Gander Mtn was previously reserved by another group. A place is
being inquired by Valencia, if Sept meeting could be at Pt.Arthur TAMS
building wher the barony did a long demo this summer. If not,
communications about other options are appreciated. As a last resort, the
Sept 2006 Pop Meet could be held at Seneschal's home.
Dena and Scott, congratulations! Happy dance!
Also, Scott was recovering very well from back surgery. Best wishes.
Jayna and James, congratulations! Happy dance! Welcome, James.
Event travel for September/October/November is encouaged. Refer to Black
Stars or Trumpeters. With the costs of travel expenses, carpools are
advised for road trips.
His Majesty Aaron McGregor 2 has personally queried about a Melees web page
for details.
Excitement around kingdom is brewing!
www.bordermarch.org/Melees (Capital "M" on Melees)
Herald- AmberLea- August . [Deputy Herald- Anheliqua or Maurice?.. please
advise] Amberlea shared verbal information. Would like to hold a class in
Sept. Please inform of your interest to herald at bordermarch.org AmberLea
will be sending her Report to Regional.
Copies of the following August 2006 reports to Regional have been received
by the local Sensechal. It also is courteous for copies of monthly Regional
Reports to be presented to Their Excellencies of Bordermarch Armand and
Caitrin. In the event that an Officer is prevented from submitting a
monthly report to your Regional, would that Deputy Officer please do so?
Reporting Officers:
KM- Malcolm- August. [Deputy KM- Simonn]
Sparce weekly fighter practice attendance with one or two Chiv present. No
Waivers required to be mailed to Kingdom Waiver Secretary. Those who are
hopeful combatants are making armor so they can fight chivalric.
RapM- Nicolai- August. [Deputy RapM- Chrystal?]
Increasing weekly fighter practice attendance at Thursday evenings and or
Sunday afternoons. Signed Waivers have been mailed to Kingdom Waiver
Secretary by Nicolai.
See Nicolai's article in Trumpeter.
Treas- Bianca- August. [Deputy Treas- --]
Announced: Any contributions of goods for putting on Melees event are
helpful for the budget.
Such as: MoC craft materials; Water bearing Gatorade, pickles, oranges, etc;
Site Ambience tiki-torch fuel, propane tanks for big torches, poles for
banners; Feast Saturday for 150- supply of ingredients; printing forms for
the gate (Thanks, Dena);
Site maintainence: ant killer, wasp killer; cleaning supplies for RRs;
In order to comply with Law, in order to have adequate monies on hand and to
meet the budget, an event "should" pay for itself (rather than depend on
individual extra contributions to make it happen.)
Kingdom Law requires in order to put on an event, a branch must have "twice"
the price of an event in the bank, in case for some disasterous reason *that
event* brings in zero revenue, for the branch to have enough in bank to host
a "next" event. Example: If the budget spending for an event is 2500, that
branch must have 5000 in the bank in an SCA, Inc. Branch bank account.
Kingdom Law must be followed or a branch falls in disfavor, and status is
therefore endangered.
Alrich & Raven /Troy & Stephanie Allen- raised discussion about the cost of
the Melees increasing and about how people may have their feelings hurt if
they arrive on site to learn that the event has gone up a few dollars from
cost in the past. Many of their friends travel from Oklahoma and may not
know the prices.
Group Discussion: Populace previously voted July '06 to increase price a few
Because of the interest from across Kingdom and from visiting kingdoms,
another day is added to the length of the event this year (opening site
Thursday, also annexing the Monday before Thanksgiving when many
schools/colleges are out for Thanksgiving) as advertised in Black Star,
on-line Ansteorra, on-line Bordermarch, specific Melees website, and local
Trumpeter, including price discount if using ACCEPS registry on line, and a
set Family Maximum, also discounted on ACCEPS. If friends do not have
access to Melee information, please help get the word to them.
Event expenses at this regular site include, for example, rental at site,
electricity at site (which are not set predetermined costs but are
calculated by the park owner after he knows how many people attend -he is on
site- and how much electicity is used in laundry rooms or site plugs. We
read meter before and after); how much garbage he has to pick up by hand
(particularly if garbage is not properly bagged and not left in bags beside
the road); if any of his water pipes are run over by vehicle and broken
(sometimes happens); fuel tanks for torches; BFT tent payment; port-a-cans
for conveninece; insurance must be paid by barony well in advance for horses
on site; prizes; if a feast is sold, feast budget can be costly;
advertising; producing site tokens; printing gate registry sheets (thank
you, Padraigin) or gate handout leaflets (thank you, Phocas).
Many people work very hard, at length, to put on a local event, and several
make some individual contributions towards expenses of the event; and those
individuals still pay for site fees, etc.
Troy expressed thanks for the explanations.
MoAS- Therese- August. Report to Regional is submitted and copied. Good
news with Pottery guild, guest Jan coming Sept 9. (See Therese's article in
Trumpeter.) Please send your current AS accomplishment activity to
moas at bordermarch.org See other Guild information in Trumpeter.
Scribe- Kathileen- August. Needs 3 original prize scrolls for Melees.
Lyllianne will make one for Youth Bardic. Kingdom charter blanks are
available to be painted, with printed instructions provided for colors. Ask
Kathileen if you are interested. Therese' is re-designing the "Shaky Knees"
scroll for first battlefield kills, a quicker-paint job with fewer details.
In recent years Melee events have had a dozen to teen-numbers of Knees to
give out. Kathileen requests 20 preparred in advance for this year.
Virtual Scribe- Gemanicus- August. Web page for barony is frequently
updated. Please see web site and, if your contact details are shown for
something, please check for accuracy.
www.bordermarch.org Email corrections to web captain, Germanicus and or
MoC- Gabrielle- August. Dep MoC: Elizabeth East.
Needs large space for Children activities at Melees. A dozen or 15
children, a parent or two each, adds up for the space needed, and tables
Discussion: May use big BFT during daytime hours for children, shelter,
space, and the parents who come to help and usually stay. Anyone who can
bring a spare table for MoC activities, please do so.
Chron- Phocas- August. [Dep Chron/Hist: Tessa G. Dep-Dep Hist: Therese' d
Thank yous to those who contributed to Aug/Sept issue of Trumpeter.
Officers and Populace give thanks to Chron for pace-settling colorful
pictures in newsletter, delivered inside a 5x7 envelope. Other groups have
copied that idea. Please send items for publication to
chronicler at bordermarch.org
Parchment Pages are being edited will be ready to distribute during month of
The year 2007 will be the 30th celebration year of Bordermarch becoming a
barony as of Sept, 1977. Barony could observe this celebration all year by
opening a "museum" of antiquities; please contribute your early armor, early
garb, early neeedle craft, early callig, ancient publications, picture
albums, other items, to be viewed at local Dec/Jan off-calendar gatherings
and at Spring Baronial Championship and Autumn Melees 2007.
Hosp- Vaclav Sloca Czek- August. [Dep Hosp- --] Needs help to sort boxes of
loaner garb to put sizes in labels. Need a sign-out sheet for loaner garb.
Some loaner garb or feast gear for away trips has not yet been returned.
Discussion: Membership make new loaner tabbards for visitors, newbies, who
could use loaner garb for "at home" events before they have had a chance to
obtain own garb.
Slova Czek is considering, but not yet decided, wheter to apply for a
Regional position he has been offered. If you know of needs: contact
hospitaler at bordermarch.org
The Hosp passed the helm for personal donations to a private gift for Their
Majesties' travel fund. Total hopeful to reach 400 dollars. Private
collection will continue (on-going) when we gather.
Current Business:
Event Stewards: Autumn Melees, November 16-17-18-19-20, 2006.
Aaron Whitewolf / Adolf the Bear via conference phone;
Equestrian insurance is paid and registered.
ACCEPS should be coming up on line @ Ansteorra within second week of Sept.
for early registration and discount.
Event ad with castle activity looks very nice for Black Star and mailings.
Interested Vendors for Melees at "The Village" may contact
phocas at bordermarch.org
Sign up sheets need volunteers.
Please contact steward at bordermarch.org about your availability and
willingness for service.
The combined help of everyone in the barony is appreciated, pulling together
as a group to put on the Melees. If you will commit, please tell stewards.
For Saturday Feast, for 150, a pork is being donated for cooking at site.
Elrique would like to discuss further menu with Excellencies and Stewards;
was paged during Populace Meeting and had to leave. Populace are
contributing ingredients for large stew pot. Budget expenditure would be
miniscule for barony, rather, donated by individuals.
Elizabeth East desires to help you sell items at her Trade Days booth.
Please get in touch with her.
[If there is pertinent information I have overlooked recording here, please
remind me. -Tessa.]
The buisness concluded at 8:30 PM. Populace enjoyed further time to visit
before the building closed at 9:00P.M.
[Thanks to Selina for transferring previous Senschal Office files after the
Aug meeting.]
Regards to each in the Populace of this great barony,
Family all.
May Peace and Gace be yours,
Your servant
Tessa of the Gardens
Seneschal, Bordermarch
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