[Bordermarch] Melees Discussion

kandace harris thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 13 21:54:57 PDT 2006

Please remember too only get "Green" Gatorade....very inportant...
  Thank You.

Tessa <tessa at gt.rr.com> wrote:
  > Water Bearing REMOVED need donation for supplies( 
> fruit,pickles,nuts, gatoraide)

Slovaczek, when I managed the WB for The Lysts at Castleton this summer, I 
got bowls for serving fruit/pickles and different ones for cleansing and 
rinsing. You may borrow my gear rather than need to "buy" more bowls.
For Waterbearers, I will bring two (2) large bottles of pickles and one (1) 
can, if not two (2) cans, of Gatorade dry powder mix.

As always, oranges are needed, or melons if there are still some in season.
Will someone else please bring oranges or melons?
Will someone else please bring more Gatorade?

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It's nice to be important..but....It's more important to be nice...Ly.Kandyce of Oakclyffe                                     

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