[Bordermarch] Schedules and Dates for Populace and Officers
tessa at gt.rr.com
Mon Dec 17 14:16:19 PST 2007
Good Greetings, Good Bordermarchers,
that might have been Thursday, DEC 27, 2007.
... and OFFICERS, please communicate via emails or phone
as necessary or your December reporting.
December and January being the observation of Holy Days,
and mostly Christmas being held with our modern immediate families,
and mostly 12th Night being met with our chosen extended SCA families,
it is the reasoning of our Excellent Baron and Baroness of Bordermarch,
TEx Santiago and Elisabeth, that we, their populace, might do as well to gather
in the beginning of January at 12th Night rather than have an actual December Populace Business Meeting
in the end of December.
Holding that thought, please, Officers and Deputies who are learning to fill in for reporting,
please be mindful of the expectations of your Regional Superiors about the dates
for your communication to be due before the end of the year.
All of your reporting forms are to be found @ Ansteorra on-line.
Some offices could have more than one written report to send at this time:
Monthly, Quarterly, End-of-Reign, *AND/OR* End-of-Year.
And as always, the local Seneschal's office so much appreciates the courtesy copies you
provide so that I can include your particulars in the reports I send.
My End-of-Reign report is due to Regional Seneschal, December 20.
The Financial Officer's report is already done, and the Seneschal report and MoAS report is in progress.
Emails do suffice for sending any copies of your reports to me.
Anyone with items to contribute to 'The Trumpeter,' please contact the Chronicler's Office.
Seneschal of Bordermarch
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