[Bordermarch] Lord Sterling - surgery

Bill C Burgin billcburgin at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 8 18:56:18 PST 2007

Glad to hear all is well - or will be better soon.  Please forgive his slip of the tongue; I'm sure it was the pain meds talking!
  Dad / Ericus

Dena Gentry <padraigin at swbell.net> wrote:
  Greetings all,

My Lord Sterling is recuperating wonderfully from his scheduled surgery to remove bone spurs from neck vertebraes this morning. We should be returning home as early as tomorrow morning. I appreciate all that have kept us in their thoughts and prayers. In six weeks the only pain in the neck he shall be experiencing will be me!! (in which he voiced his agreement on that comment too hastily).

In Service to the Dream,
Lady Padraigin 
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